Our manuals mirror our amazing online platform, this means whether you want manuals to print and hand out to students or a back up copy for our online theory we've covered everything.
Manuals also follow the below easy module format, meaning your students will always be getting the very best however you choose to teach with us.
Modules Include:
Learning Objectives - Treatment History & Overview - Treatment Benefits - Frequently Asked Questions - Anatomy & Physiology - Client Consultations - Contra Indications & Contra Actions - Diseases & Disorders - Hygiene - Equipment & Tools - Professional Ethics - Health & Safety & The Salon Environment - Treatment Preparation & Planning - Treatment Procedure - Aftercare - Maintenance - Business Planning & Insurance
Accreditation Bundles
Accreditation bundles are your one stop shop to get started! All packs contain your chosen training manual in Microsoft Word, a detailed scheme of work & our signature academy e-book. All you need to do is purchase and get started!
Microsoft Powerpoint Manuals
Just need the powerpoint? Our powerpoint manuals have all the same in depth content as our word manuals and are unbranded ready for you to customise and use in your academy.
Microsoft Word Manuals
Prefer to work in word? Our Word manuals are set up ready to use, unbranded and easy to customise. Great content, easy to use and ready to teach.