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Available to Members only 


The Level 3 Ofqual Regulated Award in Education and Training (AET) is the entry level teaching qualification for individuals wanting an introduction to teaching in any post compulsory education setting such as further education or private learning organisations.


This qualification guides learners through the key concepts of Education and Training.


The award is comprised of 3 mandatory assessment units

- Understanding the Roles & responsibilities of Education & Training

- Understanding and using Inclusive Teaching and Learning Approaches in Education and Training

- Understanding Assessment in Education & Training


During this course learners will undertake the theory element of the course via our online portal resulting in the completion of 3 assignments. They will then plan a 15 minute micro teach to be delivered via zoom before evaluating their teaching skills.


You can enrol on this course at any time, you have as long as you need to complete the theory assignments before booking your micro teach session. 


This course is largely self-paced so a commitment to completing the assignment in a timely manner is required.


NVQ Level 3 Award in Education & Training (Ofqual)

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